安特卫普新锐设计师Christoph Ritter屋顶秧田工装

作者: 时间:2018-05-21 02:56:46 阅读:
安特卫普新锐设计师Christoph Ritter 『本文由壹衿编辑整理发布』COLLECTION €€ TRANCEVERSALElitism is a phenomenon, which is found工作服批发河北中国石油 in several social classes. This collection deals with the seclusion found in both Oxford and clubbing societies. While money and status matter most in many fraternities, coolness is the main factor that decides



Elitism is a phenomenon, which is found in several social classes. This collection deals with the seclusion found in both Oxford and clubbing societies. While money and status matter most in many fraternities, coolness is the main fact邮政储蓄夏季工作服
or that decides if you are let into clubs like Berghain in Berlin. This collection shows the ridiculousness of rich kids trying to purchase this specific cool factor.

Photos: Lander van der Borght
Models: Gil, Wim, Ornella


8 BIT HERO deals with the escape virtual reality and video games offer to people who deal with insecurity, anxiety and anger.

Photos: Lander van der Borght
Models: Alessandro, Max